
Danaus plexippus

Photo: Doug Tallamy

Location to be announced

Would you like to partner with us to bring this butterfly to Buncombe County?

Butterfly Station Sponsors Wanted!

Bee City USA-Asheville is installing Butterfly Trail stations as we raise the necessary design, production and stewardship funds to sustain the Trail for decades to come. The Trail will have at least ten stations throughout Buncombe County with recognition opportunities on the interpretive sign for the butterfly featured and on that butterfly's webpage, as well as on downloadable materials (passport, coloring book, and map).

Individuals, corporations, foundations and public agencies are invited to sponsor a station.  Each entity is invited to be the single sponsor of a station, or three entities may share the sponsorship. Benefits vary depending on the sponsorship approach. Individuals may even honor or memorialize a loved one with gifts of $5000 and more.

Email to discuss sponsorship opportunities that recognize the sponsor every single day of the year — not just for a single event!

Or explore more butterflies…


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