Friends of the
Asheville Butterfly Trail

Photo of monarchs on Echinacea by Courtland White.

Thanks to one and all who have so generously supported our dream of having butterflies alight, embrace us with their wings, and teach us something about pollination ecology.

We couldn't create or sustain the Asheville Butterfly Trail without our Friends! Join the Friends by donating today.


$5,000 to $10,000

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce

Buncombe County Tipping Point Grant

Glass Foundation

Lipscomb Family Foundation

Liz Lesesne, in loving memory of her mother,
Sarah Frances Brodie Lesesne

Reems Creek Nursery

Suzanne Wodek, in loving memory of her father,
Robert J. Parr


$1,000 to $4,999

Sugar Hollow Solar


$500 to $999

Anonymous X2

Florrie Funk

Friends of the Earth Garden Club

Rich & Leigh Pettus

The Super Signguy


$100 to $499

Anonymous Donors

Angelika Bovi

Christopher Bryant

Milkweed Meadows Farm

Patrice German

Greg Peterson & Heidi Lichte

Grace Rice

Pamela Dupuis & William Saupe

Elaine Smyth

Linda Tsan

Lisa K Wagner

Susan Watson

Marie Woodard

Larval Host

$20 to $99

Anonymous Donors

Pete & Paula Apostolopoulos

Deborah Belcher

Amy Boyd

David & Martha Boyles

Vivian Copeland

C Davenport

Dorothy St Clare Dennett

Barbara Driscoll

Donna Edwards

Florrie Funk

Jennifer Hummel

Beatriz Lothrop

Melissa McCormick

Cheryl Morris

Michael O'Cain

Roy Praver

Alli Rainer

Magda Randolph

Elizabeth Savely

Bethany Trombley

MaryAnn Watjen

Tamara Wheeler

Janet Whitworth

Corrie Woods